Rachel Taylor Thompson

Author of Political Romantacy, & contemporary, humorous YA Fantasy

So I’m Rachel, and writing is my personal act of rebellion against ToDo lists, unanswered emails, and those-who-constantly-need-things (Ahem… my kids, day-job employers, spouse, animals…).

I’m also a beekeeper and swarm-catcher (more on that in my newsletter) and have way too many animals. This includes but is not limited to rabbits, chickens, horses, cats, fish, a guinea pig, bees, and a bearded dragon.

I also unintentionally house/feed most of the wildlife in our central coast California neighborhood—owls, skunks, racoons, crows, song-birds, mice/rats and an occasional fox. (Those stinker racoons have broken into every single wildlife-proof cat-food-bin I’ve tried. The crows know my routine so well they gather each morning to watch me feed and then steal the cat food the moment my back is turned. It’s a losing battle. Sigh.)

I write fantasy books because my life is so crowded with things to do / animals (people) to care for. I can’t resist the call of a super-flawed heroine with a life radically different than mine and a problem so overwhelming she has no chance at success. I have no choice but to get to know her.

I love characters who kickbutt with their brains and hard-earned skills rather than just muscle. Heroines forced to confront their own issues before they can save their worlds. Heroines so vivid readers (and err… I) want to live her life, love her boy, experience her universe (and ignore my own).

Yup, I write to rebel.

About me

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Author Rachel Burda Taylor
Author Rachel Burda Taylor

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